- Step 1
Think of a language as a way of expressing meaning. Each language chooses different sounds and arrangements of sounds, to express meaning.
- Step 2
Try to "forget" your native language's grammar as much as you can while you're learning the new language. This will prevent "interference" from your native language.
- Step 3
Identify how your native language and the new language do things differently and keep these in mind when speaking the foreign language.
- Step 4
Review early and often.
- Step 5
Find a tutor to give you feedback on what you're doing correctly and incorrectly.
- Step 6
Keep lists of new vocabulary and sentence constructions. Review as much as you can each day.
- Step 7
Visit a place where the language you're studying is a native tongue, if possible. Speak your own native tongue as little as possible while you're there.
Seeking Advice: Struggling to Generate Sales for My Online Shop
Hello everyone,
I'm reaching out to this community for some guidance and fresh ideas for my
online shop, Rasselbande Gifts. Despite offering a diverse rang...